DIY Guide – How to Fix Binoculars that Got Wet?

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So, you’re out there with your trusty binoculars, enjoying the scenery, when suddenly a downpour hits, and bam! Your binoculars are soaked. Panic mode sets in, right? But don’t worry as I am going to help you fix the binoculars that got wet.

To fix wet binoculars, you can dry them out by storing them in a warm, dry place or a bag with a moisture-absorbent material such as silica gel, uncooked white rice, or cotton. These materials will absorb the moisture and help the binoculars dry out quickly.

This was a brief answer however, I have a lot more information to share with you. If you’re having a bad time and your optics got wet, worry not! Keep reading this guide to get your problem solved.

Related Article: How to Keep Binoculars from Fogging Up?

Common Causes of Binoculars Getting Wet

Before going into details and answering how you can fix wet binos, I would love to tell you the possible reasons why binoculars get wet. As said earlier, optics are used outdoors and they remain out for most of the time.

So, if you’re a hunter or a birder, your binoculars will be with you in a carrying case or hanging with the neck strap. Hunters do spend hours and hours in search of the buck. At this time, the rain comes if the weather is uncertain.

Especially in the summer, rain comes from nowhere. You see the sky and see a shining sun and then after half an hour, thick clouds come, and they pour rain. In such cases, the binoculars can become wet.

If you use binoculars near wet places, for example, you do fishing, boating, or kayaking, then you may fall into the water directly by mistake. As a result, your precious binoculars will become wet and you’ll have to fix them to make them able to be used again.

The third reason is that you’re using binoculars in humid places. In such cases, the moisture comes on the binoculars and you don’t even absorb it. In my opinion, moisture comes slowly and you don’t notice. After a few hours, you see that the binoculars are wet.  Whatever the reason behind the wet binoculars is, I am going to give you DIY fixes.

Also Read: Why are Binoculars Filled with Nitrogen Gas?

How to Fix Binoculars That Got Wet?

If your binoculars have gotten wet, then don’t be manic. It is not the end of the world. I’m going to give you a complete method that will help you dry out your binoculars and make them able to be reused again for outdoor activities. Let’s get started.

1- Remove water

If your binoculars have become because of falling into the water body or exposure to rain, then you should remove all the water that has gone inside or is present on the body of the binoculars. To remove water,  shake your binoculars gently.

2- Use a cloth to dry 

The second step is to dry binoculars by using a cloth. It is ideal if you use a microfiber cloth as it won’t put any sort of scratch on the lenses of your binoculars. Remove all the water with the help of a cloth. However, don’t go with a harsh approach as it can have a bad impact on the lens of binoculars. Try drying with a cloth gently.

3- Put binoculars under the sun

Even if you wipe the binoculars with a cloth, there may still be moisture inside that needs to be removed. Exposing the binoculars to sunlight can help speed up the drying process. Place the optics in a spot where they will receive direct sunlight, such as on a roof or near a window. The gentle warmth of the sun’s rays can help evaporate any remaining moisture and fully dry the binoculars.

4- Store binoculars with a moisture absorber

I know, most of the water and moisture would be gone after the above steps. However, there will be still some moisture inside that needs to be removed. Put your binoculars in a bag along with some moisture absorbent like uncooked rice, silicone gel, cotton or any other water absorbent. These moisture absorbers will suck all the moisture and make your binoculars dry completely. 

One thing I would like to say is that if you’re putting binoculars in rice without any other moisture absorbent, then it will take a few days to dry up your binoculars. However, adding more moisture absorbent like cotton, or silica gel will speed up the drying process of your binoculars.

5- Test your binoculars

After allowing the binoculars to dry out for a few days, take them out of the bag and test them to see if all the moisture has been removed. If the moisture has gone, then smile, your binos are good to be used again. 

If you happen to be the unluckiest person in the world (which I hope is not the case) and your binoculars are still wet, you may need to leave them in the bag for a few more days to allow the moisture to fully go away. It’s important to be patient and make sure the binoculars are completely dry before using them again.

Tips for preventing binoculars from getting moisture

Binoculars are super expensive and they are not affordable to many people. But when the moisture goes inside the binoculars, you start getting vibes that your money has been wasted. However, if you want to keep binoculars away from moisture and keep yourself secure from spending again on binoculars then follow the tips that I’m going to give.

  • Clean them regularly – You won’t believe it, but cleaning binoculars regularly does wonders and protects optics from getting wet or moist. Either you use optics daily or use them once a week, have a microfibre cloth daily in your hands and clean them so that the moisture gets removed and doesn’t go inside binoculars to cause more problems.
  • Use anti-fog products – Many anti-moisture and anti-fog products are available in the form of sprays. If you can afford them, I highly recommend you buy them as they will help you keep the binoculars dry.
  • Store them properly when they’re not in use – If the binoculars are not in use, make sure to store them properly instead of leaving them out exposed to moisture and other harsh conditions. Ideally, pack them in their bag and place them in a dry place where the moisture has no access. It will help in keeping binoculars dry.


Many people throw binoculars if they get wet or start creating blurry visuals due to getting wet. If your binoculars have got wet, don’t worry as don’t consider them as wasted money. I’ve given a step-by-step guide for drying and fixing the binoculars. I hope this guide will be helpful to you.

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