How to Cerakote a Scope? Step By Step Process Discussed!

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Just bought a scope and worried about its wear and tear. Or already have a scope that is showing signs of wear and tear? If yes, the Cerokte solution as this ceramic-based coating will keep your scope safe from elements such as wear and tear as well as corrosion.

But unfortunately, people don’t have much knowledge about the cerakoting the scope. So, they spend money and get their scopes cerakoted by a professional or mechanic. But I don’t want you to spend extra money. 

This is why I am writing this detailed article to ensure that you learn how to cerakote a scope. After reading this guide, you won’t need to visit the mechanics. So, without any more delays let’s get into it.

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What is Cerakote and Why Do Your Scopes Need it?

First thing first, allow me to give you a brief introduction to Cerakote. It is a ceramic-based coating that is used to protect the scopes and other firearms from corrosion as well as wear and tear. 

In fact, this coating proves to be helpful if your scope starts showing wear and tear from the edges. By applying this ceramic-based coating, the wear and tear will stop and your scope will have a better lifespan.

It is interesting to note that the cerakote was not initially introduced for the scopes or other optics. It was used for the protection of firearms, as they remain outside conditions and they easily corrode. 

By applying this coating, gun owners used to protect their guns and rifles from corrosion. However, now it has become very famous and is being used in many industries. In fact, the usability of this cerakote proves to be very helpful in protecting, and increasing the lifespan of scopes.

 Step By Step Guide: How to Cerakote a Scope?

Here begins the actual part of this guide. I noticed that there are many people who don’t know much about how to cerakote a scope. If you are also one of them, then don’t worry as I am here to help. In the section below, I will teach about how you can cerakote a scope in simple steps. So, let’s dive into it.

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1- Disassembling the Scope

The first step in Cerakoting a scope is to disassemble it. You will have to unscrew all the nuts, and bolts to disassemble all the components of your scopes. This step is a bit hard, so I suggest you be calm, and don’t be in a hurry.

The components of the scopes that you will have to disassemble are the lenses, reticle, and other internal parts. It is important to keep track of all of the parts and their positions so that you can reassemble the scope correctly. While disassembling the scope, keep all the nut bolts in one place so that they don’t get lost.

2- Clean the all Disassembled parts

Once the scope is disassembled, then you will have to clean all of the parts thoroughly. During cleaning, make sure that there is no dirt or any sort of contaminant left on the components. 

While cleaning you can use a cleaning solution, and microfiber cloth that would allow you to complete the process smoothly without putting scratches on the internal components. In the end, you should also clean the parts with a degreaser and then rinse them with water to remove any residue.

3- Masking the component that not going to be cerakoted

Once you have cleaned all the components of your scope, I suggest you keep the components in the open air for at least 30 minutes. The reason is that by keeping them in underlight, and open air, all the components of the scope will get dried.

Once, you feel that all the components are dead, then you will mask off any components that should not be Cerakoted. This includes any lenses, the reticle, and any other internal parts that should not be coated. Masking tape and paper can be used to cover these components.

4- Mixing the Cerakote

Once you have finished masking the component that you want to keep safe from the spray, then ready your cerakote.  This involves combining the Cerakote coating with a hardener and a solvent. 

The mixture should be stirred thoroughly to ensure that it is well-mixed. You can shake the mixture so that everything gets properly mixed. If the components of the mixture don’t mix properly, then you won’t be able to spray the cerakote on the scope.

5- Spraying the Cerakote

Once the Cerakote is mixed, you will have to spray this mixture on the components of the scope that you want cerakote and safe from corrosion. I recommend you spray the Cerakote evenly and avoid spraying too much in one area. 

You will have to decide how much cerakote you need. If you just want a gentle coating, then you can spray the mixture once. On the other hand, multiple coats will be needed to achieve the thicker cerakote or ceramic coating.

6- Applying the Cerakote

After the Cerakote is sprayed onto the parts, it should be allowed to dry for several hours. I saw many people asking on the online forums if they needed to remove the tap or masking immediately after the spray or not.

Look, once you have sprayed the mixture, you will have to leave the scope under sunlight for at least 2 hours to ensure that the mixture gets fired on the scope. Once, you feel that the mixture is completely dried on the scope, then you will have to remove all the tapping, and making. If you noticed 

Any excess Cerakote can be removed with a scraper or sandpaper. Never, ever remove the tapping immediately after spraying the mixture as it will cause the mixture or spray to go on the parts or components that you don’t want to cerakote such as lenses and reticles. 

7- Curing the Cerakote

The final step is to cure the Cerakote. You will have to heat the parts in an oven at a specific temperature for a specific amount of time. Don’t increase the temperature too much as it can cause issues. 

Why is the curing process done in cerakoting the scope? The curing process is mandatory as it ensures that the Cerakote is fully cured and provides maximum protection. It also gives confidence that your cerakote won’t be affected while using the scope in very harsh conditions, or using them harshly.

Once the Cerakote is fully cured, the parts can be reassembled into the scope. Make sure to reassemble the parts in the correct order and check their alignment as well. That’s it. Once the reassembling process is done, you’ll be able to use your scope.

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Advantages and Disadvantages of Cerakoting a Scope

I am sure that by reading the process that I have given you above, you’ll be able to cerakote your scope easily. You might want to know if you should cerakote or not. In the section below, I am going to mention some of the potential benefits, and drawbacks that will help you understand whether it is practical for you or not.

  • Keep in mind that the Cerakote is a durable coating that provides excellent protection against wear and tear. Your scope will live longer and you will be able to use them with confidence that if your scope falls off, they won’t break or get scratched.
  • By getting ceramic coating on your scope, you can also change the color of your scope, and make it look more attractive. Cerakotes are available in different colors and they can give you scope more sleek and attractive look.
  • Cerakote in all its colors is resistant to corrosion. This makes them ideal for use in humid or wet environments. By using Cerakote the scope, you’ll be able to prevent rust and other types of corrosion from forming on the scope, which can extend its lifespan.

These were some benefits which are very useful and make the cerakoting process practical but, you should not forget that everything has both positive,s and negative aspects. So, in the section below, I am going to mention some of the disadvantages of cerakoting the scope.

  • Cerakoting the scope is not a very cheap process and you will have to spend money to buy cerakote etc. If you want a custom design or pattern, it will further increase the pricing and cost.
  • Cerakote adds weight to the scope, however, this weight is not too much. But still, if add small extra weight it can be an issue for someone who only wants a very lightweight scope.
  • Removing cerakote can also be difficult and time-consuming. If the user decides they no longer want the coating on their scope, it won’t be easy to remove the coating and it can damage the scope’s surface during the removal process.

Should You Cerakote Your Scope?

Yes, you should apply a thin ceramic coating which is also known as cerakote on your scope as it will protect your scope from different outdoor conditions and you’ll be able to enjoy tension-free shooting.

Look, the scopes are mounted on the rifles, which are usually used for shooting, and hunting. So, your scopes will be exposed to different outdoor conditions, and you will be hunting in outdoor or tough terrain. So, having cerakote on the scope is mandatory.

It will save your scope from corrosion, and also from sudden drops or falls. You will be able to enjoy the hunting without having to be worried about the scope. Even if your scop falls off, they won’t get any issues at all. They won’t break due to the extra protection layer of ceramics.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Cerakote and how does it work?

Cerakote is a ceramic coating that is applied to a variety of surfaces, including firearms, knives, and scopes. Cerakote works by bonding to the surface of the material, creating a hard and durable finish that is resistant to scratches, abrasions, and chemicals.

How long does Cerakote last on a scope?

Cerakote is known for its durability and can last for several years on a scope. I have a scope that I cerakoted and it’s been 8 years and my scope is still in fine working conditions.

Can you Cerakote a scope yourself or should you hire a professional?

It is possible to cerakote at home as a DIY project, and you won’t need the help of a professional. However, if you have extra money, and can afford the services professional go for it as it will give you peace of mind.

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